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Paul Ramsay Foundation gift to MAMA

e: Building Exterior_Museum sign close up QEII Square.Photo Jeremy Weihrauch.j
Murray Art Museum Albury

The Paul Ramsay Foundation has donated $250,000 to the soon-to-be-opened Murray Art Museum Albury, MAMA.

The Foundation's director of the trustee, Peter Evans, said it was the first major donation since businessman and philanthropist Paul Ramsay passed away in 2014.

Mr Ramsay left $3 billion to charity – believed to be the biggest single philanthropic donation in Australia's history.

He founded and chaired Ramsay Health Care, which runs Albury Wodonga Private Hospital, in West Albury, and Murray Valley Private Hospital, in Wodonga.

Mr Ramsay was also heavily involved in the media, including the Prime7 TV network and was chairman of Prime Media Limited until 2014.

In life, Mr Ramsay was a generous benefactor to dozens of charities and worthy causes.

MAMA director Jacqui Hemsley said it was a great honour to receive the first donation from the Paul Ramsay Foundation and that three galleries would be named in honour of Mr Ramsay.

 "This is a remarkable donation from a remarkable man who was a great supporter of the arts."

Jacqui Hemsley, Director, Murray Art Museum Albury

"Paul Ramsay had a passion for regional Australia and had a real connection to our community.

"It's perfect that he is part of this cultural landmark that will draw people to Albury and engage people with art and ideas.

"I thank the Paul Ramsay Foundation for being part of MAMA."

Paul Ramsay Foundation Chief Executive Officer Simon Freeman said Mr Ramsay loved regional Australia and had a strong connection to Albury because it was one of the first places outside of Sydney that Ramsay Healthcare opened a hospital.

"Paul had a close personal relationship to Albury and I know he would have appreciated MAMA," Mr Freeman said.

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