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Zombie Eaters

Walls at different angles jut out of a room. On the wall features black and white stripes, colourful circles and a text that say NGAJUU NGAAY.
Zombie Eaters

Hamishi Farah,
Matthew, 2020,
Acrylic and permanent marker on linen,
Courtesy the artist and Maxwell Graham, Essex Street, New York & Arcadia Missa, London

Zombie Eaters was an exhibition that looked to celebrate strengths in recent Australian Painting. It was centered on four artists – Fiona Lowry, Hamishi Farah, Juan Davila, and Kate Smith – whose works are featured alongside 27 artists’ work drawn from the Murray Art Museum Albury Collection as well as public and private collections nationwide. The works date from 1960 onwards, with a focus on contemporary painting.

The four central artists approach painting as an active and enquiring medium. They display the medium’s ability to contend with artistic, political, cultural, and personal challenges. This approach continued throughout the exhibition, across a wide range of figurative approaches to painting.

There is an art joke that suggests painting is a zombie medium. It refuses to die, and like the undead zombie, walks the earth endlessly in search of brains. The joke is easily applied to the kind of painting that, over recent decades has been produced purely for decoration and which has been taken up by cynical collectors playing a market for profit. Zombie Eaters claimed this joke need not be true. The paintings within it were vital, intelligent, and thought provoking. They were made by artists invested in the social and cultural potential of art.
These painters were the Zombie Eaters. The conquerors of the undead. They ensure painting lives forever.

Supported by Metal Manufacturers.

Fiona Lowry, Hamishi Farah, Juan Davila and Kate Smith

With works by:
Amanda Marburg, Anna Kristensen, Daniel Boyd, Fred Cress, John Citizen, Gordon Hookey, Jackson Slattery, James Gleeson, Jelena Telecki, Josey Kidd-Crowe, Jude Rae, Julie Fragar, Karen Black, Kaylene Whiskey, Kieran Seymour, Margaret Olley, Marlene Gilson, Mitch Cairns, Natalya Hughes, Nicola Smith, Nigel Milsom, Patrick Hartigan, Pierre Mukeba, Stephen Bush, Tim Schultz, Vanessa Inkamala, Zoë M Robertson.

Image Carousel

A closeup photo realistic painting of a bee
Hamishi Farah

Untitled (Bee), 2020
Acrylic and volcanic rock on canvas
Photo by Jeremy Weihrauch

 Two large canvas placed together to depict a scene of multiple men and women nude in the bush with a large rock behind them. Most of the people are standing while near the centre a man tries to lift a woman into his arms. The painting has a blurred affect from an airbrush and is completely in blue.
Fiona Lowry

urge and urge and urge, 2022
Acrylic on canvas
Photo by Jeremy Weihrauch

A series of abstract paintings on a plinth and white walls.
Zombie Eaters

Installation view
All works Kate Smith
Photo by Jeremy Weihrauch

Two large canvas with heavy paint lines. One painting depicts a man with an arm on fire while the other is a head popping out of a swamp
Zombie Eaters

Installation view
From left Juan Davila, Fred Cress
Murray Art Museum Albury, 2022
Image by Jeremy Weihrauch

A series of three large paintings. The far left painting depicts femineine bodies depicted with printmaking techniques, the middle painting shows cutoffs of men and boys on a carpet background. The far left shows a humorous version or Burke and Wills
Zombie Eaters

Installation view
From left Natalya Hughes, Pierre Mukeba, Gordon Hookey
Photo by Jeremy Weihrauch

 A man walks around with a young child in a room full of paintings
Zombie Eaters

Installation view
Photo by Jeremy Weihrauch
