Murray Art Museum Albury, 2018
Image by Murray Art Museum
Ngurrambaa brought together the work of nine First Nations artists with diverse artistic backgrounds, that had been united through their participation in the annual Indigenous Print Workshop run by Cicada Press, a printmaking studio within the University of NSW's Art & Design school.
The annual print workshop provided an opportunity for contemporary First Nations artists to come together from across Australia, extending their existing art practice into a new medium. Bringing their stories and culture from the diverse regions of Australia, the artists collaborate in storytelling, ideas, and techniques to create new artworks that are distinct from their usual practice.
Collectively, the prints produced in the annual workshops form a permanent archive of artwork by contemporary First Nations artists.
For Ngurrambaa, curators Tess Allas (UNSW), Michael Moran (MAMA), and assistant curator Dennis Golding (UNSW), have selected works that spoke to a deep connection to place. The title Ngurrambaa is a Yuwaalaraay (Northern NSW/ Southeast QLD) term meaning the place where one’s spirit comes into the world and the place where the spirit exits the world. It was inspired by a work of the same name by Cicada Press' resident elder, Uncle Vic Chapman.
The exhibition featured over 40 prints from artists Vic Chapman, Nici Cumpston, Dale Harding, Vanessa Inkamala, Laurel Nannup, David Nolan, Caroline Sibosado, Darrell Sibosado and Garry Sibosado